Workshop on Knowledge Elicitation: Data Collection and Knowledge Modeling for Human-Aware Systems

Call for Participation

We invite researchers and practitioners to participate in the Workshop on Knowledge Elicitation: Data Collection and Knowledge Modeling for Human-Aware Systems, to be held during the WASP-HS Annual Conference on AI for Humanity and Society 2023, on November 14th in Malmö, Sweden.

Knowledge elicitation regards methods and techniques for extracting knowledge from domain experts to create structured descriptions of a domain. It involves analyzing qualitative data, such as interview transcripts, to identify concepts and relations of the domain. An overall aim in knowledge elicitation is to develop common vocabulary and semantics to enable representing, sharing, and reusing the elicited knowledge across human-system boundaries. In the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), such knowledge models, typically implemented in the form of ontologies, can be integrated into knowledge-based intelligent systems to enable context-aware reasoning and decision-making capabilities.

One of the main challenges of knowledge elicitation is capturing the important information that sufficiently represents the real-world domain. The social sciences and humanities often deal with complex and nuanced information of human domains, enabling insights that capture multi-dimensional views on, e.g., human, societal, socio-economic, and political considerations of the world. Incorporating knowledge elicitation tools and methods in social sciences and humanities, which have well-established methods for qualitative data collection and analysis, can support the development of knowledge formats for understanding and sharing knowledge of, e.g., social structures, cultural practices, and human behaviors across disciplines and human-system boundaries to develop human-aware intelligent systems.

Topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

Call for Workshop Participation

We invite individuals to participate in the workshop through two different roles: as a speaker or as an ordinary participant.

As a speaker, we kindly request the submission of 1-page abstracts for 10-minute talks. These abstracts should concentrate on sharing experiences in knowledge elicitation, emphasizing a specific methodology employed, its implementation process, inherent strengths and challenges, as well as its typical aims and outcomes.

For ordinary participants, abstract submissions are not necessary. Instead, we encourage you to provide a description of your motivation for attending the workshop and any past experiences you have in knowledge elicitation, if applicable.

Workshop registration form:

For speakers, please submit your abstract as a single PDF-file to:

Important Dates:


In the first half of the workshop, short talks are presented followed by Q&A. The second half will initiate with a hands-on group exercise in knowledge elicitation focused on exchanging ideas and experiences in a collaborative and interactive environment. The workshop ends with discussions of group work and lessons learned.

Organizing Committee